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  • »greipfrukt« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 10

Registrierungsdatum: 14. Oktober 2016

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Freitag, 14. Oktober 2016, 18:03

Forester STI, documentation


I'm typing from Norway, hope it's okey that I type english in your german forum, and also sorry the bad english!

I'm going new ways to try to get hold on some documentation on the Forester SG5 chassis, I own an rebuildt Forester, complete 2005 Impreza STI hubs, gearbox, drivetrain, brakes and so on.
We live under a very strict car policy in Norway, especially when we are on the subject of rebuild cars. First of all, I'm gonna try to get the brakes approved by the car authority, the gold-Brembo brakes
are as we know delivered on the Forester STI, but not here in Norway. That means for me, that Subaru Norway is NOT gonna work with me or others on getting our hands on documentation or TÜV-papers on this kind.
Thats why I'm turning over to German for better luck, I know there has been others guys here in Norway who got an hold of pages on pages with TÜV-papers for å rebuild on a Legacy Turbo.

Is there anybody that can help me out, or have knowledge that can help me. Dont know if Subaru Germany can help me provide papers?

Also adding an photo of my Fozzy.


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Freitag, 14. Oktober 2016, 18:28

Somewhere I do haves technical description of the Brembo brakes.
Got it from Subaru Germany.
PM me with your email and i can send it to you.
Maybe it helps.


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Freitag, 14. Oktober 2016, 18:31

Have yu clearly asked what the authorities want from you? Are TÜV approvements needed or is it maybe enough to prove the parts in question were options of factory Foresters? You should definately write Subaru Germany and ask them for any kind of paperwork, because in most cases they can provide most of the necessary certificates, although not free of charge.

If they can't help you you could try to contact http://www.rhd-speedmaster.com/ tey have a massive amount of official approvals for every kind of parts, but they normally don't sell the paperwork but the service of approving the whole car.

PS: Nice car :tschuess:



  • »greipfrukt« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 10

Registrierungsdatum: 14. Oktober 2016

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Freitag, 14. Oktober 2016, 18:51

Yeah, I had some good dialogs with the authorities, they want as much papers as possible, but papers that proves that the Forester SG chassis came delivered with Brembo's. Also that there SG5 chassis is the same as STI SG5 chassis, if you catch my drift here?
I will try to contact both Subaru Germany and RHD Speedmaster, appreciate your tips big time!



  • »greipfrukt« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 10

Registrierungsdatum: 14. Oktober 2016

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Montag, 16. Januar 2017, 20:10

Somebody who has an mailadress for the right man, woman or departement at Subaru Germany, for contacting regarding documentation?