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  • »Martin959« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3

Registrierungsdatum: 30. Oktober 2012

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Donnerstag, 15. November 2012, 21:49

Hello! Im new here...

Hello all!!!

First of all I want to apologize that I dont speak german, my name is Martin, and I have just bought my first Impreza, is a GT from the 99, and I wanted to know where I can find a cheap and good mechanic in Berlin... Also where is the best place to buy parts for my subi...

Thanks everyone!!! and I would like to meet people from this forum as well... :)



  • »Martin959« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3

Registrierungsdatum: 30. Oktober 2012

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Sonntag, 18. November 2012, 11:17

No one speaks english? :(


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Sonntag, 18. November 2012, 12:34

quite a few of us speak english, but right out of my head I can not help you with one living in the Berlin area. As I am from Essen it is a bit away. I´m not even sure whether there are so many clubmember in Berlin at all. A quick search in the forum did not yield anything. Fitty and strexe are in the Berlin area, but I can not say if they are happy with their dealership (iirc, at least strexe is not).

The best place to buy parts would be the uk :D



Mitglied im GT-Club

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Registrierungsdatum: 18. Dezember 2001

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Sonntag, 18. November 2012, 12:59

Hi Martin!

First of all welcome on board!


my first Impreza, is a GT from the 99

Good choice :thumbup: (do own a MY99 wagon)

I think english is not the main issue here (even though this is a german board and we urge people to write in German).
Your request for a "cheap and good mechanic in Berlin..." is the point. There is no common solution and there is still discussion going on where to go for service in here and here.

Because Subarus and especially the turbos are rather rare on german streets good service is not that easy to find.
Some even advise you to drive 100Km for repair (sometimes not possible ;) ).
Do you have experience in working on cars? May be it's an option to do typical service by yourself.
Where are you located? There are plenty of DIY workshops in the city - Drei-Tiger being my favorite atm.

If you like to have further talk send me a PN with your phone number and I'll get back to you.

Where to buy basically depends on the parts needed.
There are selected shops that deal from basic stuff like brake pads up to quite heavily modified engines.
Sometimes even direct imports from Japan and USA are an option. UK is also great for parts.

As a starting point have a look at links (not complete, if in doubt ask in advance).

There have been meetings in Berlin at the Meilenwerk on occasion.
More national and international meetings can be found in http://www.subaru-community.com/treffen/…al-und-national

- Matze -
enjoy the flight !



  • »Martin959« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3

Registrierungsdatum: 30. Oktober 2012

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Sonntag, 18. November 2012, 15:31

@tnp, thanks!!! I think i will take my car to the "official" subaru dealership... I went once for the left mirror, and they told me that costs 55 euros... :S a little bit expensive i think... for only the glass!!! hahah I will take a look into the ebay.uk and see what I can find ;)

@matze383, thanks also for your answer!!! I have bought mine with 220.000 km, its a little bit too much i guess, and I saw that there are some pieces on the engine that are rusty (for example, the fans from the radiator, the "wheels" from the chain of distribution, etc), should i will be worried about that? :(
unfortunatly i just know the Teorical part on the mechanical world :P Thank you very much! I will send you later by pm my phone! :D