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Kir Diesel


  • »Kir Diesel« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Registrierungsdatum: 9. Februar 2010

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Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010, 04:23

Hallo, Im new! Dont speak German yet sorry!

Hallo guys,

My name is Kir and im from New York City and im looking to move to Germany sometime this summer and just have some questions about it. I was wondering if anyone can help me out with some questions i have about my car! I have a 2006 Subaru STi with a good bit of modifications done to it and just had some questions about how hard is it to pass inspection there?

I want to bring my car from USA to Germany with me.

I can show pictures if you guys like.

Also i have a been looking through the forums a bit and you guys look like fun. My German is not good yet since i just started studying last week but it will get better as time goes on. I have been working on Subarus for the past 3 years and i know a good bit. 8)

I will also be visiting Koln next month if anyone is located there?



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Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010, 05:44

Are you in the Military? if not you will have a real hard time registering your car over here, especially if its highly modified. I know that there are a few US guys over on NASIOC that live over here, maybe your better of asking them.

I live about 50 minutes from Köln, if you need a English-German speaker.
Prodrive P1 #0638/1000
Prodrive P1 #0790/1000

Kir Diesel


  • »Kir Diesel« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Registrierungsdatum: 9. Februar 2010

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Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010, 06:57

Yeah im not military... just civilian. I have a girlfriend in Koln and starting to make the move over now.

I hear its going to be tough but id like to know exactly what would be the process if i wanted to try.

My motor is VERY close to stock.. All i have is a intake and exhaust which is easily sold and removeable.. the motor can be back to stock within a day. Will a stock motor even cause problems with TUV?

Im wondering what exactly the problem is?

Most of my Modifications are in the exterior.. I have

Aftermarket 2-piece slotted rotors
Lowered Suspension on Cobb Springs
STOCK HIDs (The ones that came with the car)
Carbon Fiber Front Lip
Advan RZ wheels 18X9 +35 and im running a bit of Camber
I also have two aftermarket BRIDE seats in the front.
Aftermarket Carbon Fiber Craft Square mirrors.

I will put some pictures up and maybe that will help a little.

Ive spent tons of time and money on the car and id love to at LEAST keep the car if possible.. I dont mind selling or taking off some of the mods to pass inspection.... I appreciate everyones help!

I dont want to sell my car ;(

Thanks for the offer Lee ill be there from March 26th for a week or so.


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Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010, 07:27

in germany you often need to have an operation license (German ABE) for exterior modifications. I think you need this ABE for your seats too. ...
It´s more complicated in Germany ...
You need to have all appropriate documents for your modifications (interior, exterior and engine) or you need a lot of money & luck to pass the German TÜV.






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Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010, 07:35

wow, nice red car =)



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Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010, 07:46

Hello Kir Diesel

Everything you mentioned even the stock HID´s and the Mirrors will make a Problem with the German TÜV, it starts with the Car itself, you need a exaust gas appraisal wich you probably get from Subaru Germany, all Lights, Head, Tail, and so on need a so called e-indication but there is at least one Guy here in this forum who has an US-STI and knows what to do.

Kir Diesel


  • »Kir Diesel« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 4

Registrierungsdatum: 9. Februar 2010

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Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010, 08:21

Im up here late doing some research and im finding out a couple of things.

I do have the stock Mirrors still in my garage and can put that on the car very quickly.

1. Also US-STis come with HIDs stock.. TUV will know that American cars have HIDs and not Xenon lights?

2. I also do not have the headlight washers that you guys have... might be a problem.

3. I dont have that rear foglight that you guys have.. also might be a problem.

Also im hearing that i need to change the tires too.. which is perfectly fine because the one i have a pretty much finished!

Id love to speak with the guy that has the US-STI

Once again i appreciate everyones help =)


Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010, 08:31


Original von Kir Diesel
Id love to speak with the guy that has the US-STI

Welcome Kir Diesel,

in this case u should talk to Cisco. Maybe he can answer some of your questions. He's a 08 STi-owner and will move to Germany within the next few weeks.

klick here for Cisco

Klick the fifth button at the end of the text (blue color) and write him a private message (PN).



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Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010, 09:00


Original von Kir Diesel

2. I also do not have the headlight washers that you guys have... might be a problem.

3. I dont have that rear foglight that you guys have.. also might be a problem.

Hi, and welcome :)

2. The washers won't be a problem, you don't have to have them in your car.

3. You will have to equip your car with the rear foglight. But, as mentioned, ask Cisco, as he allready did that.


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Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010, 11:33

Hi and wellcome!

Nice subi :D


Original von Nussi

2. The washers won't be a problem, you don't have to have them in your car.

I'm no't shure about that!
I think you need washers and automatic level control for the lights!


Original von Kir Diesel

3. I dont have that rear foglight that you guys have.. also might be a problem.

Aftermarket 2-piece slotted rotors
Lowered Suspension on Cobb Springs
STOCK HIDs (The ones that came with the car)
Carbon Fiber Front Lip
Advan RZ wheels 18X9 +35 and im running a bit of Camber
I also have two aftermarket BRIDE seats in the front.
Aftermarket Carbon Fiber Craft Square mirrors.

The rear foglight isn't a big deal to install.

You might remove everything at your car, (go back to stock) go to the german TÜV with a
"model-aproval" sheet from subaru germany, get the ok from the TÜV, get your german plates.

And now you can modified, but take care not everything is allowed in germany :(
So i think the rotors are a problem and the mirrors!
Seats, lowering, front lip, exhaust and wheels you get probably in your Car-Papers with a
"Tuning-TÜV" ;)

and of course you need Tires with a e-number, wich means they are allowed in EU

Bye Matt
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Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Mr.Hias« (9. Februar 2010, 11:33)


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Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010, 23:08


Original von Kir Diesel
3. I dont have that rear foglight that you guys have.. also might be a problem.

I could borrow you my original tail lights, to pass the TÜV. :)
I think, the switch won't be a problem, too. As far as I know the harnesses are the same.

I'm pretty sure that you have to replace the rotors, mirrors and Brides with the original parts, too. But if you don't have Xenon lights, you don't need to install the washers and automatic headlight range adjustment that we do have here in Germany.

But as Schall & Rauch wrote, cisco could probably answer most of your questions, while he's in a similar situation as you are.

PS: Welcome :tschuess:


Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2010, 01:31

Hello Kir Diesel.
I know an Tuning company near Cologne that could help you with the Tüv problem.
The Tuner is in Jülich. They build special cars on demand and the cars are Tüv proved.
Jülich is 50km from cologne away.
I was several times in the shop to speak with the master mechanic and boss.
And the say FMIC no problem to get trough tüv.
Even the APR wide body seams to be no problim with small modifikation.
They could modify your engine with no problem (more HP) and make Tüv for it.

Here they are:


The Green Ford Gt40 Style car is complet hand made. Its in the Car galery
And there schowroom model.
The company is very new. so dont be schock wenn you see the backyard.

Jörg :tschuess:

Kir Diesel


  • »Kir Diesel« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Registrierungsdatum: 9. Februar 2010

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Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2010, 07:35

Thanks again guys for all the help =)

I will be in Germany end of next month to visit and have a look around!